LLF Speakers' Series: Curtis Carmichael - One Pedal at a time: Inspire Hope, Find Purpose, and Make a Difference

LLF Speakers' Series: Curtis Carmichael - Empowering Youth
Posted on 04/30/2024

Embracing the Future of Education and Technology

We are excited to welcome Curtis Carmichael to our LLF virtual Speakers' Series with, “One Pedal at a time: Inspire Hope, Find Purpose, and Make a Difference”. As an influential figure in Responsible AI and STEM education, Curtis brings a message of hope and transformative action to the students of Limestone District School Board. This event is set to inspire our students to look beyond the classroom and make meaningful changes in their communities and personal lives.

Curtis Carmichael

Curtis is a driving force in technology and social change, committed to empowering youth through education and community engagement. His passion ignites students across the country, inspiring them to pursue their interests with purpose and creativity. At the forefront of transforming STEM and AI education, Curtis engages in speaking events that connect with students from coast to coast. His powerful message motivates young minds to dive into learning and technology with enthusiasm.

Speaking Dates

📅 Date: May 7, 2024
🎓 Audience: Grades 7 - 12
📆 Date: May 15, 2024 🎓 Audience: Grades 4 - 6

Charting New Paths

Curtis' commitment to educational and technological empowerment is driven by his desire to elevate student potential and enrich communities. He chose to forgo a promising athletic career to focus on a greater cause: nurturing dreams and fostering potential through technology and education. His inspiring journey challenges young minds to embrace their capabilities and seize the opportunities that await them, making his story a powerful call to action.

Celebrated Author and Visionary

Curtis Carmichael, an award-winning author and social entrepreneur, showcases his expertise and dedication to empowering others. His methods are both practical and forward-thinking, giving students the tools they need to navigate their educational paths with confidence and creativity.

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 Together, we're fostering a brighter future.

Delving Deeper

Explore our previous Speakers' Series events:
LLF Speakers' Series: A Path to Everyday Resiliency LLF Speakers' Series: Establishing Safe, Caring and Respectful Digital Communities LLF Speakers' Series with Roxane Brouillard

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